
maandag 30 september 2024

Chapeau Wildlife SOS India: De laatse Dancing Bear( dansende beren) zijn allemaal bevrijd: een klein overzicht van hoe dit vreselijke dierenleed in India is uitgeroeid


During a rescue operation conducted in 2008 by Wildlife SOS and the West Bengal Forest Department, as many as 30 sloth bears were saved from the ‘dancing’ bear practice. Among the lot was a six-year-old bear that also bore a gaping hole in his muzzle. The cruel piercing was made with a hot iron rod, through which a rope was passed and then tugged, making the bear move in agony. Further examinations also revealed that this bear, who was later named Roshan, had a deteriorating eye condition. 

Thousands of sloth bear cubs were poached mercilessly across India and the mother bears brutally killed so poachers could meet the demands created by the Kalandar community to replace the dancing bears that died or were sold off each year. To start with, a red hot iron poker would be hammered through the baby bear’s delicate muzzle, often at the tender age of 6 to 8 weeks. 

A rough, thick rope would then be thrust through the oozing wound to control the bear. Then tugging of the rope through this painful wound would create a great deal of pain and would soon force the traumatised bear to cooperate and jump thereby inducing ‘dancing’ performances on demand! These bears lived at the end of a four foot long rope performing on streets for the public.

Roshan” is a word used to describe a bright, illuminating presence. After a dark past, dear Roshan was led on a path lit with love and care, where he truly reflected the meaning of his name. Today, performing as a ‘dancing’ bear has become a chapter of his life that had finally ended 16 years ago. Roshan arrived at the Agra Bear Rescue Facility (ABRF) as an undernourished bear, but his young age revived his youthful spirit as he healed. 

The 22-year-old bear has now entered the geriatric phase of his life, but continues to put a smile on the caregivers’ faces with his unique and fun antics. Age, and the inadequate nutrition that he received in his formative years, unfortunately led to a decline in his vision, leaving him partially blind in both his eyes. Roshan, however, does not consider this his weakness, and can be seen tactfully using his sense of smell and touch to engage with enrichments that have been tailored to suit him best. 

[Photo (c) Wildlife SOS/ Atharva Anil Pacharne] 

The dedicated team of caregivers and the expert veterinarians at Wildlife SOS provide special care for visually impaired sloth bears. One of the key ways of making Roshan feel comfortable is by not relocating him from his current enclosure so that he can find his way around in the familiar surroundings. Roshan, like other bears that are unable to use their sense of sight well, has an enclosure that is relatively smaller in size so that it is easier for him to map his surroundings. 

In Roshan’s socialisation area, stones and logs that can hinder his movement have been removed, and the elevated structures have also been dismantled. Caregivers also pay attention to the surface Roshan walks on, ensuring that it is clean and free of mud pits. Wooden platforms in his enclosure are placed either on the ground or just one feet above it to help Roshan mount them smoothly. Roshan can also be seen spending most of his time resting on his hammock, which is installed at a lower height for him to conveniently access it. 

[Photo (c) Wildlife SOS/ Atharva Anil Pacharne] 

Enrichments for Roshan are designed keeping his age and vision in mind and hence, olfactory enrichments play a larger role in his daily routine. Roshan, like many of our resident bears, has a strong liking for two lip smacking delights, which is why his bamboo feeders and feeder ball enrichments are covered with honey and peanut butter! Our photographers and caregivers have seen Roshan lifting his nose up to sniff the scents of these spreads that fill the air before he begins his search for them. 

[Photo (c) Wildlife SOS/ Atharva Anil Pacharne] 

Keeping the changing seasons in mind, our dedicated staff has suitable protocols that they follow for the sloth bears for their health and upkeep. During the summer months, delectable ice popsicles are prepared for the bears to find a cool respite from the daily heat. Though Roshan prefers to spend the majority of a hot day resting in his den, he would rush out to grab hold of this frozen mix of grapes, watermelons and honey! Roshan diligently eats his porridge meal that is given twice a day, and enjoys the various treats he is provided with through the day. These include dates, jaggery, coconuts, mangoes, watermelons and jaggery rice-puff balls. 

[Photo (c) Wildlife SOS/ Shresatha Pachori] 

Roshan, being a geriatric bear, is not as energetic as he used to be. To help our geriatric bears remain physically active, target training sessions are conducted regularly. These sessions involve patience and cooperation by both the sloth bears as well as the caregivers. Roshan is a very responsive bear, and tempting treats rewarded to him act as incentives throughout the process. Currently, Roshan is not undergoing any specific medical treatment, however all the resident sloth bears at our centres are provided with multivitamins and supplements to improve kidney and liver function. For senior bears, these prescribed supplements are given once every 45 days. Roshan is now also receiving joint supplements to improve his bone mobility. 

[Photo (c) Wildlife SOS/ Atharva Anil Pacharne] 

Wildlife SOS works hard to ensure that all our resident sloth bears receive the care they need and hence, we take apt measures to provide them with utmost comfort. Taking care of visually challenged sloth bears requires a sensitive approach, and our dedicated team of caregivers leave no stone unturned in order to make the bears feel calm and secure! 


zondag 29 september 2024

De EU wil minder bescherming van 20,000 wolven : alle EU landen waren het ermee eens behalve Spanje, Italië en Luxemburg en totdat alle landen het eens zijn, blijven de wolven streng beschermd


Foto: European Union  EU

Beste Lezers, mijn computer is oud en  helaas werken de vertaal functies opeens niet meer . Gelukkig kunt u op de voorpagina van de blog lezen in heel veel talen. Uiteraard laat ik het bekijken door een expert. Sorry voor het ongemak.  Vriendelijke groeten,  Erna

The European Union (EU) wants to lower the protection level of wolves. Most EU member countries supported this change in a vote on Thursday. Spain, Italy and Luxembourg voted against the proposal.

This decision could allow wolves to be chased away or even hunted, which may result in some of these protected animals being killed.

Last year, Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, suggested lowering wolves’ status from “strictly protected” to “protected.”

This issue is personal for her, as a wolf killed her pony, Dolly. Some in Brussels have called this the “Dolly’s revenge” proposal.

EU wolf protection

Currently, wolves are strictly protected under the Bern Convention. This is an international agreement involving many European and non-European countries, like Senegal, Morocco, and Tunisia. Changing the protection status of wolves would require agreement from all these countries.

If the EU can convince these non-EU nations, the European Commission will then need to propose changes to the Habitats Directive, which is responsible for the protection of species across the EU.

Until these steps are completed, wolves will remain strictly protected, meaning it’s illegal to kill, disturb, or chase them away.

Wolves in different countries

Each country manages its wolf populations differently. In Germany and Poland, farmers are encouraged to build better fences to protect farm animals.

In Spain and Italy, where wolves are more common, efforts focus on peaceful coexistence, including compensating farmers for any animals lost to wolves.

Wolves in Europe

There are about 20,000 wolves in Europe today. In many areas, wolves are returning to places where they had disappeared, which has caused both excitement and concern among local communities.

zaterdag 28 september 2024

Zuid-Korea heeft bekend gemaakt dat 500,000 honden uit de hondenvlees industrie worden herplaatst omdat in 2027 het land verkoop van hondenvlees gaat verbieden

The South Korean government announced on Thursday its plan to rehome nearly half a million dogs from the dog farming industry. The country is preparing to ban dog meat farming by 2027.

A dog farm in South-Korea,

The Ministry of Agriculture announced incentives to encourage dog farmers to release their animals. Around $75 million will be given in subsidies to help farmers transition out of the dog meat industry. The ministry will offer financial aid to close down farms, restaurants, and slaughterhouses that rely on dog meat.

Farmers will also be compensated for surrendering their dogs, which will either be rehomed or put in shelters.

This initiative comes as public support for banning dog meat has increased. More South Koreans view dogs as pets instead of food.

President Yoon Suk Yeol and First Lady Kim Keon Hee, both animal lovers, have supported this plan to address animal welfare concerns while giving farmers an opportunity to transition away from the practice.

However, some in the dog meat industry argue that the compensation is insufficient and are advocating for greater financial support.

While animal welfare organizations recognize the ban as a significant step forward, they are concerned about the fate of nearly half a million dogs that will need new homes.

The country needs more animal shelters, and people in South Korea don’t often adopt a dog from a shelter.

vrijdag 27 september 2024

Al 6 illegale puppy's van Rotterdamse straatverkopers in beslag genomen: de diertjes waren niet gevaccineerd, niet de juiste papieren en te jong bij de moederhond weggehaald


De puppy's op bovenstaande foto zijn inmiddels de vijfde en zesde die de politie in Rotterdam van straatverkopers in beslag heeft genomen. De hondjes bleken bij een controle niet de juiste papieren te hebben en waren vaak ook niet gevaccineerd. De politie luidt hier de noodklok over.

Verschillende straatkrantverkopers in Rotterdam-Oost hadden een puppy bij zich. Uit onderzoek van de politie bleek dat de puppy’s uit hoog risicolanden kwamen, waaronder Roemenië, en te vroeg naar Nederland zijn gebracht. Ze hadden niet de goede vaccinaties en geen bloedtests gehad, die verplicht zijn bij de invoer uit dit soort landen.

De honden waren ook niet geregistreerd bij aankomst in Nederland. Dit kan volgens de politie gevaar opleveren voor de volksgezondheid. Daarom zijn de puppy’s in overleg met de officier van justitie in beslag genomen. "Straatkrantverkopers met puppy’s in ons werkgebied worden een steeds groter probleem", laat de Rotterdamse politie weten. "Vaak hebben de verkopers om de paar maanden een andere puppy bij zich."

Oorsprong onbekend

Hoe de straatverkopers aan de honden komen, is niet bekend. "We weten dat er handelaren actief zijn die puppy's uit Oost-Europa importeren", zegt Jelko de Ruijter van de Landelijke Inspectiedienst Dierenwelzijn (LID). "De honden komen binnen met vervalste paspoorten en er wordt gelogen over vaccinaties en ziektes als rabiës (hondsdolheid)."

"We vermoeden dat er contact is met handelaren die aan kofferbakverkoop doen. Zij smokkelen de jonge pups de grens over en verkopen ze door aan straatverkopers, zwervers en types die op zoek zijn naar geld. Die lopen vervolgens met de pup of jonge hond rond om meer sentiment te kweken zodat mensen geld geven, maar wellicht ook om de pups door te verkopen en er zo aan te verdienen."

Grootstedelijk probleem

Het probleem speelt zich niet alleen af in Rotterdam, maar ook in Den Haag. De Ruijter: "Het is vaak moeilijk te bewijzen dat de dieren niet goed gevaccineerd zijn of dat er valse paspoorten in inloop zijn. Als je dit niet kunt aantonen en wel wilt ingrijpen, moet je op dierenwelzijn gaan zitten. En als de pups gezond zijn, kun je ze niet zomaar in beslag nemen."

Bron: RTL Nieuws

donderdag 26 september 2024

British man to be jailed for the online posting of monkey torture videos belonged to several groups on Facebook, showing baby monkeys brutalised in extreme and sadistic ways for online ‘entertainment’, including genital mutilation.

There has been widespread reporting of the prison sentence handed down to Peter Stanley, who is the first British person to be jailed for the online posting of monkey torture videos. Stanley, who belonged to several groups on Facebook, posted videos depicting baby monkeys brutalised in extreme and sadistic ways for online ‘entertainment’, including genital mutilation. The videos were accompanied by sickening comments posted by Stanley, making light of the monkeys’ obvious suffering and distress.
Jailing Stanley, Judge Ian Harris at Liverpool Crown Court said: "These offences are utterly repellent and have no place in a civilised society." Chief Inspector Kevin Lacks-Kelly, head of the UK National Wildlife Crime Unit said "These crimes are committed behind a veil of secrecy by so called 'communities' and I hope the sentencing shows there is no place to hide for animal abusers.”
Action for Primates alerted the UK police to the activities of Peter Stanley as part of our joint investigative work with Lady Freethinker to expose those people involved in despicable online monkey torture groups.
Two other people in the UK, Holly LeGresly and Adriana Orme, are due to be sentenced in October for their role in paying for and ordering the horrific torture of baby monkeys in Indonesia to make videos to circulate in their Telegram group.
Law firm worker is first Brit to be jailed over monkey torture clips
Law firm worker is first Brit to be jailed over monkey torture clips
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT Peter Stanley, 42, shared 'repellent' videos of baby monkeys being horrifically tortured and has become the first Brit to be jailed over such clips.

Alle reacties:

woensdag 25 september 2024

Update van Animals Heroes Nederland: 4000 kg dierenvoedsel met uw hulp aangeschaft : ook voor de dappere Mirjam die 65 katten verzorgd en daarom weigert te vluchten

Bedankt voor jouw steun voor dieren in Gaza! We hebben voldoende donaties ontvangen om de gewenste 4.000 kg voedsel aan te schaffen. Daar zijn we heel dankbaar voor. Het tweede goede nieuws is dat het voedsel al is gekocht in Caïro en nu wacht om in samenwerking met de Red Crescent (Rode Kruis) naar Gaza te worden vervoerd.

Heropening Rafah Crossing vertraagd
Minder goed nieuws is dat de heropening van de Rafah-grensovergang is uitgesteld tot op z’n vroegst eind oktober. Dit kan echter ook morgen weer veranderen, dus we blijven hopen dat de grensovergang eerder open gaat en niet later. Zodra het mogelijk is vertrekt de vrachtwagen naar de grens om het broodnodige voedsel voor dieren te leveren.

Kleine schatjes, luier om want de achterlijfjes zijn verlamd, uitgehongerd en kijk!! hapjes Dank je wel Animal Heroes 

Medicijnen voor ons Medical Response Team in Gaza
In de tussentijd hebben we niet stil gezeten. We hebben enkele medicijnen voor ons Medisch Response Team in Gaza weten te verkrijgen. Dankzij deze aankoop kan ons team doorgaan met het bieden van gratis medische zorg aan ezels, paarden en katten van ontheemde Palestijnse families.

Voedsel voor 65 katten van Marjam in Noord-Gaza
Ook hebben we in het noorden van Gaza (voor veel te veel geld, maar beter iets dan niets) wat voedsel kunnen kopen voor 65 katten die worden verzorgd door een dappere jonge Palestijnse dame die Marjam heet. Marjam koos ervoor om achter te blijven in plaats van te evacueren, omdat ze haar katten niet in de steek wilde laten.

We hebben vrijwel dagelijks contact en tijdens een poging om het voedsel te kopen, ontsnapte ze ternauwernood aan een raketinslag. Zelf zegt ze dat het een wonder is dat ze nog leeft. Haar enige angst is dat ze niet meer voor haar katten kan zorgen als ze zelf gewond raakt.

Ondanks dat Marjam veel gewicht heeft verloren door een gebrek aan voedsel, blijft ze voor haar katten zorgen. Ook de katten worden magerder en daarom stuurt ze haar hartelijke dank aan al onze donateurs voor jullie steun aan dieren in Gaza.

Klik op de foto voor de video
Klik op de foto om de video van ons Medical Response Team in Gaza te zien.
Links: De explosie naast het huis van Marjam en rechts een aantal van haar katten die eindelijk wat eten hebben gekregen
Marjam's twee (deels) verlamde maar vrolijke katten inspecteren het eten dat zij dankzij Animal Heroes kon kopen.   
Zodra de vrachtwagen met voer voor dieren naar Gaza vertrekt, laten we het je weten. Mocht je in de tussentijd vragen hebben, dan kan je mij altijd persoonlijk bereiken via 06-39724161. 
Hartelijke groet,

Esther Kef