
zondag 16 maart 2025

Many photos and a joy to read 'The Aleppo Catmen of Ernestos Sanctuary in Syria Website

Ernestos newsletter March 2025 will find PayPal here.

Myevent link is now-

JustGiving will remain as a monthly fundraiser so the link will change most months as usual.

This link is staying open for March donations with an updated fundraising total.

It’s been a busy month for all of the Ernestos team at the sanctuary, farm and free clinic.

Early in February we were sent 2 dogs by a girl in Aleppo. They were in a very bad situation and in a lot of pain and desperately in need of surgery.

Please remember that Aleppo (like Idlib) was a war area, and there were no vets available to treat animals for free – our team was unable to enter Idlib and the girl could not come to us.

With the fall of the regime, many more things are now possible. One female dog had large cancerous tumours in her front leg. She was x-rayed to see the extent of the damage. To save her life our vets amputated her leg. The second male dog was a stray. Two days before he was brought to us, he was shot with a rifle. The damage to his front leg was huge, the bone was shattered into many pieces. He also had to have his leg amputated. The dogs were given pain relief and antibiotics, and they returned to Aleppo. We are in contact with them, and we now have the good news that they are both recovering very well.

We are so lucky to have such a skilled vets team. We are so lucky to have your support,

and we hope you will continue to help us to provide such vital services to all the animals that need us.

CAUTION. The following video contains hard images.

Unfortunately, we have some very sad news to share with you.

Our beautiful Marzia passed away some days ago. She was a very beautiful cat, and we

know that she was a big favourite with many of you.

Our thoughts go out to her sponsor mum Caroline. Thank you Caroline for sponsoring

Marzia and loving her from afar. Also, to Kamal at the sanctuary, who had a close

relationship with Marzia.

Fly free sweet Marcia. Give our love to the others when you reach the rainbow Bridge.

We have had a few abandonments this month. People who have lived in Idlib over the war years as internally displaced people have now started to return to their homes

These 5 cats were abandoned in Tartous, and transported to us, as they needed medical

care. They were not in a good condition. Some of them had no teeth, and one of the cats

had a hernia in the abdominal tissue. They were immediately put into our intensive care area while their treatments began.

One cat is now living quite happily in the sanctuary with the rest of the cats. The other 4 are doing well, but they need more treatments and recovery time. Please join us in wishing them well.

As we go to press we have had to make a statement on our Sanctuary social media, that

from now we will only accept cats that are injured, sick or disabled, as we are being

swamped with the numbers of people from inside Syria wishing to abandon their cats to us.

The costs of taking in so many new cats at the sanctuary are prohibitive for us. We cannot afford to take in the numbers that people want us to take, and we have a duty of care to our resident cats.

Early in February our vets team visited Homs, a two-hour journey away from Ernestos. 246 animals were given treatments, worming, flea and tick treatments, claws clipped, teeth and ears checked. Wounds of varying severity were attended to, along with abscesses and skin problems.

Midway through February we posted about our “Restaurant of 2729 Arabian Cats”.

It’s a massive job for our team and it is repeated 3 times a day every day.

People often ask us how we make sure everyone is fed.

The restaurant is carefully scrutinised at every mealtime. The cats that are shy are

encouraged to eat and the ones that can be bullies are kept a very close eye on. We do feed in other areas as well as the main courtyard. Dr Ahmed is present at every mealtime, and he looks for anyone who looks under the weather and they are whisked off to the sanctuary clinic.

We also feed under shelves, on walls, under chairs and even on the roof when necessary!

We don’t think you can actually find a cat at Ernestos that is under fed or underweight.

Mealtimes and the preparation of meals is a massive part of our teams daily work.

The animals at Winsons Farm are enjoying the return of some green grass at the farm.

Although the weather has been bitterly cold recently, it does look like spring might be just

around the corner.

Valentines Day is a day that King Maxi always enjoys.

This year was no different. He distributed gifts around the sanctuary and had some

photographs taken by the paparazzi.

Just days later the King released his most recent offering to the world of Music and Culture.

“If you like me then you shoulda put a green on it”.

We are almost certain that it will be at the top of the charts next month.

This cat was brought to us several days ago. It was late at night so Dr Ahmed and Razak our animal nurse met at the sanctuary clinic to attend to him.

One eye was in such a bad state it was necessary to remove it and also we had to repair his broken jaw. We believe that he was a victim of a road accident a few days before he came to us.

Both operations were a complete success. He is now resting and recovering at Ernestos,

and we will update on his progress.

Thank you Dr Ahmed and Razak for your emergency response.

The vets team made a return journey into Aleppo with the mobile clinics earlier in February.

It was another busy day.

347 cats given treatments.

368 cats vaccinated.

47 dogs vaccinated.

96 cats neutered.

1 dog neutered.

869 animals in total. 869 little lives improved.

100s of kilos of dried food has now been distributed since we started the mobile clinics. Each person who has an animal neutered or vaccinated receives a few meals worth of dried food,

and we meet the people who are looking after street cats and leave some days’ worth of

food with them.

The numbers of animals we are vaccinating and neutering has risen dramatically, with our work with the mobile clinics. In February – just for cats and dogs- we treated 2474 plus our usual assortment of sheep and goats and horses and birds and poultry. It was a truly

incredible month with many lives protected. Thank you, so much, for the support you have given us.

The funding we received from other animal organisations is almost finished now. Thank you to our clinic partners WTG Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.v, IFAW, Animals Australia, and Wings for Animals who helped to support some of our work at the mobile clinic days. Thank you to you! - our supporters from all over the world for helping us to be able to offer these clinics.

We will be looking at how donations are doing and deciding whether we can afford to run

more mobile clinics into Syria.

The vet clinic has been a little less frantic as many people from Idlib move back to their

homes, but our numbers of treatments and vaccines and neutering is made higher than ever by the mobile clinics that we are taking into the rest of Syria.

This female cat was spayed at the free clinic.

She is 7 months old and her behaviour, when she came into season, alarmed her owner with her constant yowling and desperation to be outside. He asked at the clinic how he could stop her behaving this way.

The team gave him all the information on the only way to stop her. Spaying!

He brought her in the next day!

We are delighted that numbers of spaying are slowly rising, though it does mean we have to buy more anaesthetic as these operations take longer than neutering - but we have spent a long time offering cat owners this advice - and hopefully more people are encouraged to do it.

It also drastically reduces her risk of mammary and uterine cancer. It also prevents

reproductive disorders like pyometra, uterine rupture and torsion, metritis, and cystic

changes. These conditions can be fatal and are not always treatable—but they are certainly preventable, via spaying.

Plus, it saves 1000s of kittens being abandoned on the streets.

Here are some of our residents to say hello!

Last but certainly not least - we have some wonderful news to share with you.

In January we were honoured to receive a legacy.

With this legacy we were able to clear and open a piece of our land which was previously undeveloped. The land has been prepared, paths have been laid,, walls secured and a new warm room has now been built. We were also able to buy some vaccines.

It has extended the sanctuary and our capabilities, and a lot of the vaccines were used at the mobile clinics into Syria. Saving the lives of many cats and dogs.

Thank you, to the Alexander Family, from our hearts, for this beautiful legacy.

Our donation links this month are –

Here you can donate through PayPal, card, US bank account, Amazon pay, and Cash App pay and set up regular donations.

which will now run continuously.

To donate through Ernestos website the address stays the same-

The JustGiving link for February is-

To buy Ernestos tee shirts and tote bags please go to

and enter the Ernestos Collection page. All profits from the sale of teeshirts and bags is sent directly to us.

To celebrate your birthday (or that of a loved one) with Ernestos cats and/or team, please visit-

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