We kunnen Soi Dog steunen via deze gegevens:
Every day, compassionate people like you make miracles happen
Soi Dog Foundation in
Phuket wordt in Nederland vertegenwoordigd door:
Stichting Soi Dog
KvK nummer 37120202
Hoornseweg 17
1687ND Wognum
Rabobank Hoorn
Nieuwe Steen 29
1625 HV Hoorn
Every day, compassionate people like you make miracles happen
Who knows how many people walked past the bleeding and emaciated young dog as she struggled to remain standing? Will you take action now for suffering dogs like Asana?
Will you be the one who helps? |
Asana was only months old when she appeared on a street corner one day. All her fur had fallen out. She was bleeding and shivering uncontrollably. She appeared half-dead as countless people continued on past her. |
Homeless dogs and cats in Asia endure immense suffering every day. For many of them, their pain-filled lives will be mercifully short. Many will not reach their first birthday. But thanks to someone like you, Asana now will.
Please donate now to end the suffering for countless others just like her. |
It took just one person to stop. Just one person to not walk on by, but to stop and take action. That kind soul wrapped her arms around Asana’s frail, skinny body and brought her to our shelter, where her long journey to recovery began. |
It took many hours of gentle touch for Asana to learn to trust humans. It took several days of nutritious food and supplements for her to turn a corner. It took weeks of medical treatment for her fur to slowly return and her horrendous skin problems to heal. And it took three months for her to smile. |
Homeless animals in Asia are desperately short of people who care. Many of them will live and die without ever knowing love. They will spend their short time on this earth living on the streets, at best the victims of neglect, at worst, suffering horrendous and deliberate cruelty or sold into the dog meat trade. Right now, only you can change this. |
A small monthly gift from you will mean that more animals like Asana can be picked up and provided with life-saving medical treatment, nutritious food, and somewhere safe to live. Your action will fund love and care for a suffering animal who has never had either. Please click here to make it happen. |
Today, Asana would still be suffering on that street corner if someone just like you had not taken action. Instead, thanks to a compassionate human being deciding to do something, she has made a wonderful recovery. And yet, as you read this, another homeless animal is in desperate need of help. Is it your turn to take action? Please click here if you want to make meaningful change. |
Your decision now will impact the lives of countless animals that have nobody else to turn to. I know your heart is compassionate. I have faith that you will take action now to end the suffering. |
For that, I thank you.

John Dalley
Soi Dog Foundation |
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