
zondag 6 juni 2021

Euro Group for Animals: Een dierwaardig leven voor alle dieren in de vee-industrie in 7 belangrijke eisen aan het Europese Commissie ( petitie)


Join with us to help millions of farmed animals

2021 brings a once in a lifetime opportunity. We have until September to persuade the European Commission to undertake a complete review of ALL legislation that affects farmed animals in Europe.

Will you add your voice so we reach enough supporters to be heard by the European Commission? 


Will you add your name today?

Europe’s animal welfare laws were introduced piece by piece over the last 40 years, but they are rarely enforced correctly, and there are serious gaps that leave millions of animals unprotected. We must make sure a full-scale review takes place, that our demands for the best possible welfare standards are heard, and that no animal is left behind.

A review like this is rare, and we really need you with us to make it happen. We will be competing with loud and powerful industry voices who don’t want to see stricter and better enforced welfare laws for animals. We can’t let them win - and the clock is ticking…

Please join us!    PETITIE

Our Key Demands

Farmed animal welfare laws must do more than protect every animal from neglect and cruelty, and minimise their suffering; they should actively promote a positive state of health and well being.

1 Good Health

Every animal should be healthy, fit and whole.

No animal should be deliberately mutilated: its tail or beak chopped short; its body so overstretched it cannot stand straight. But billions live in preventable pain every day, breathless, injured, diseased, in misery. Animals deserve to to feel strong and full of life, to want to run and swim and peck and play. It’s not enough to exist; they should thrive. 

Find out more

2 A Happy Life

Every animal should have the space to thrive.

No animal should be physically restricted, without natural light or fresh air, too hot or too cold, or living in filth. They deserve to move freely and safely and to rest in comfort. When animals have control over how and where they spend their time – building nests or sunbathing, exploring or snoozing, choosing their companion for the day, having shelter and shade from the elements – their well being increases. Feeling safe from harm, and interested in life, and able to swim or run like the wind should be the least we offer them.

Find out more

3 No Animal Live Transport

End live transport

Being herded into noisy cramped trucks and driven for hours, days, even weeks is an unnatural and highly stressful experience for farmed animals. Every welfare expert is opposed to it. Animals are taken from everything that is familiar to them, and forced to endure long periods without rest, food and water, and many arrive at their destination exhausted and injured. Our first demand is that the EU bans all long distance journeys for farmed animals, and introduces bespoke rules for pigs, cattle, sheep, rabbits, chickens etc to limit their suffering on all other unavoidable journeys.

Find out more


4 Natural Behaviours

Every animal should be able to express themselves.

No animal should be prevented from showing natural behaviours, kept confined, without choice. Boredom and stress spill into frustration and aggression, and when there’s no escape, every day is miserable. Pigs and geese should be able to do what pigs and geese love to do… And given the chance to groom and bond with favourite pals, or to find a quiet safe spot, or to explore new toys and tools, individuals can express their personality too.


5 Good Nutrition

Every animal should enjoy nutritious food and clean water

No animal should be kept hungry, malnourished or thirsty. They deserve to enjoy nutritious, wholesome food and easy access to fresh clean water. Most would naturally spend many hours rooting, grazing, browsing, foraging and feeding. Encouraging them to express these behaviours, through thoughtful husbandry, is vital to their well being. A scoop of concentrated, industrial feed delivered once or twice a day brings little but boredom and frustration and empty hours.


6 Positive mental experiences

Every animal deserves to enjoy life.

No animal is a machine, without feelings or curiosity or needs. But billions are treated as ‘units of production’ and squeezed and stacked together like batteries being charged. They should be cared for as the sentient, smart, pleasure-seeking creatures they truly are, and given every chance to enjoy their lives. They deserve living spaces that add pleasure and interest and choice to the everyday, that feed curious minds, and encourage connections and well being.


7 Expanding the circle of compassion to include all species

Every animal deserves protection and care.

The more we discover about animals and their complex, intriguing lives, the more shocked we should be at how we have treated them in the past. And the more determined we should be to ensure they live a good life. Our laws need to do more than protect the welfare of all farmed animals. They should promote health, well being and compassion. Because animals deserve no less. Let’s leave none behind.

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