
zaterdag 22 juni 2024

Hulp voor gewonde ezels en paarden in de Westbank: de dieren zijn onmisbaar voor de bevolking en krijgen veterinaire zorg en voer (10 foto's )


Your weekly donkey update from Safe Haven for Donkeys


Dear Friends 

I do hope you enjoy reading this week's update. It's from Dr Rakan, who recently helped a donkey who had fallen while pulling a cart during particularly hot and dry weather conditions.

Foto: hulp voor gewonde ezel in Gaza

We're pleased to say this story has a very happy ending - so please enjoy Dr Rakan's report and photos below!

Thank you so much for helping to make stories like this possible - you make such an incredible difference to donkeys, mules and horses with your support to Safe Haven.

With warmest wishes,
Wendy, Safe Haven UK Office

News from the West Bank

Here's our report from Dr Rakan:

"I had a phone call about 2 weeks ago to say that a donkey had fallen while pulling his cart. It was a hot and dry day, with very high temperatures during the afternoon. The owner had initially administered first aid to treat the donkey's scratches and superficial wounds and then took him home to rest.

Dr Rakan was called out to the Balata Refugee camp to see a donkey who appeared to be in great pain.
"The next day the donkey had a very poor appetite, was dehydrated and couldn't stand up. The owner then called me to visit - at the Balata Refugee camp. Firstly, I checked his vital signs and gave him medication and fluid therapy.
The donkey owner's children were very worried, so keen to help Dr Rakan.
Fluid therapy included multivitamins and amino acids.
"After a few hours I was so relieved to see he was improving! I was keen to continue treatment, so I asked the owner if I could take him back to our hospital in Nablus. The owner was very happy for me to do this, so the donkey was transported the next day.
William continued to receive veterinary treatment at our hospital in Nablus. 
"I continued to provide treatment - fluid therapy, vitamins, painkillers and antibiotics to help treat the wounds on his body and above his eye from falling on hard concrete.
Dr Rakan was pleased to see the donkey - now called William - improve!
"Every day he improved and soon he was able to receive some extra special treatment - a good brush and some carrots! The happiest day was when I saw his swishing tail, showing me he's happy and healthy once again.
William is now back to full health and with his owner in the Balata Refugee camp.
"I am certain the donkey was suffering from dehydration from the intense heat. His fall onto hard concrete caused wounds which I was able to treat with intravenous and topical medicines. I will return to the camp in a week to check up on William and to monitor his progress."
Dr Rakan will visit William next week to provide a full check up.

Thank you ♥️♥️

It's only with your help we are able to improve the lives of working donkeys, mules and horses in the West Bank, Gaza and Egypt. You're also helping to fund our hospital in Nablus in the West Bank and care for our rescue donkeys in Arrana, as well as our donkeys at our sanctuary in Israel. If you'd like to read previous updates of our work, please click here to visit our blog.

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