
donderdag 5 september 2024

Nieuws uit Gaza: mensen zijn afhankelijk van de ezels en paarden: 2 dierenartsen van Safe Haven for Donkeys UK, helpen de ondervoede, uitgedroogde, gewonde dieren


Your weekly donkey update from Safe Haven for Donk

We cannot understate the importance of donkeys and horses in Gaza right now. As you may be aware, earlier this year we set up a mobile team in Gaza to help deliver first aid to donkeys and horses in dire need. Despite communications out of Gaza being incredibly difficult, today I can bring you an update from our team, sent over by Dr Saif.

Our work in Gaza has also caught the attention of the media in the last few weeks. We were delighted that the BBC have featured our work in a news report and also a written piece online. You can see the article by  clicking here.

All our work is only possible thanks to you. As Dr Saif told us: "we are trying all possible ways to save donkeys and horses despite being in a very harsh time. Many thanks for all your endless support and kindness."

Wendy, Safe Haven UK Office

News from Gaza

Dr Saif has sent over a report to show how their work in Gaza is helping donkeys and horses - and the people they support. We hope this shows the impact of your donations.

Despite incredibly hard conditions our team in Gaza are working tirelessly to help donkeys and horses
Dr Saif told us: "It's difficult to describe the situation in Gaza. It is hard for our team to operate, with everything becoming a battle. But so far we have treated 1,000 donkeys."
Donkeys are vital to people in Gaza - transporting food, water and even people to hospital.
"Without donkeys, the situation in Gaza would be very hard. Gaza is like 50 years ago, with few cars. And I have been told by so many people that without Safe Haven for Donkey's work, it would have been impossible for their donkeys to have survived."
Our team in Gaza have helped over 1,000 donkeys in just a few months
"Our emergency work helps by giving out food for donkeys, along with treating wounds and providing other first aid. We are trying our best to save as many donkeys as we can."
Safe Haven's team are providing vital support - including food and medicines to donkeys
Thank you once again to everyone who has supported our work in Gaza. If you'd like to find out more, or to give a donation, please visit our appeal page here. You can also visit our blog page to see some short videos of our work in Gaza.

Thank you ♥️♥️

It's only with your help we are able to improve the lives of working donkeys, mules and horses in the West Bank, Gaza and Egypt. You're also helping to fund our hospital in Nablus in the West Bank and care for our rescue donkeys in Arrana, as well as our donkeys at our sanctuary in Israel. If you'd like to read previous updates of our work, please click here to visit our blog.

Thanks to your support we have been able to help 1,000 donkeys in Gaza so far, providing food and first aid.
Donate Today

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