
donderdag 17 maart 2016

Weet u het nog? 'The Worlds Worst Zoo ' foto's om te janken, krijgt mede dank zij u, hulp

Zo begon mijn zoektocht naar hulp voor deze arme dieren. Zoals ik al schreef 35 dagen geleden, ging ik via mijn computer met deze dieren ellende aan de slag. 8 dierenwelzijnsorganisaties heb ik aan geschreven en de foto's aan hen opgestuurd. Verassend voor mij was dat ik van allen een antwoord kreeg. in Wenen stuurde  een lange e-mail beloofde de juiste instanties te informeren over het dierenleed. Zij zijn bezig met een andere slechtste dierentuin in de wereld namelijk de GAZA Zoo.    Uiteindelijk kwam het verlossende woord van  Dave Neal stelde voor dat ik contact zocht met Van deze organisatie kreeg ik meteen een reactie. Het bleek dat al plannen klaar hadden om te helpen een beter onderkomen voor de dieren te realiseren. De ketting waren al doorgeknipt en de dieren kregen speeltjes, water en voer. Ik was blij verast. Het enig wat ons ( vooral Animals Asia ) te doen stond is druk zetten op het  nieuwe plan.   ( De slome man in de video, duidelijk een  AustraliĆ«r geeft mij niet veel hoop op een snelle afloop )
Ik hou de situatie via Berdiri in de gaten.

Dit schreef ik 35 dagen geleden:

Dieren krijgen geen voedsel en water in de meest verwaarloosde enge dierentuin van de wereld ( petitie )  PETITIE

Save the animals at ‘Worlds Worst Zoo’ 

Ik moet hier mee aan de slag. IFAW, Voormalige WSPA, Vier Voeters, wie dan ook, hier moet iets aan gebeuren en snel !!
The look in his eyes say it all ..

Geen voedsel geen water..... trieste ogen
No food or water. Solitary confinement. Choking on garbage. That’s the reality for animals at Bengkulu Zoo!

Save the animals at the ‘World’s Worst Zoo’.

Bengkulu Zoo (Taman Satwa Bengkulu) located in Sumatra, due its notoriously cruel ways of treating their animals, has quiet quickly become the infamous ‘World’s Worst Zoo’, and for good reason.
Animals that are imprisoned at Bengkulu Zoo are left for days with no food or water. Many have been found chocking on garbage as their cages become nothing but garbage bins! Many are left alone, depressed with no mental stimulation. Some animals are even chained, within their already small cages!
Depressed, alone & chained. As if the small cage wasn't enough.
Depressed, alone & chained. As if the small cage wasn’t enough.

 Niet te geloven !!
Accepting water from a stranger, they are that desperate.
Accepting water from a stranger, they are that desperate.

Rubbish is scattered everyone, especially on the bottom of cages.
Rubbish is scattered everywhere, especially on the bottom of cages.

Credit to for the photos and if you are interested in reading and learning more, visit this link to the article on their website –
              Wat kunt u doen? Petitie tekenen graag  !!

So, What can you do?
Let’s stand up for a dignified life for these poor animals!
Help by signing the petition (Link below) and spreading the word. Unless conditions are improved immediately, we call for the zoo to be shut down and the animals to be relocated!

Update Monkey Enclosures Bengkulu Zoo

Currently there are 8 primates at the Bengkulu Zoo and their enclosures are in an incredibly bad state. To the point where two of the long tailed macaques are now chained to the enclosure to stop them from escaping because of the holes and deteriorated state of the enclosure walls.
There are 4 enclosures grouped together in twos. The plan is to fix up the two groups and create one big enclosure for the macaques and one for the gibbons. There are two younger gibbons living in an appalling tiny enclosure that will be moved into the new/updated enclosures once they are fixed.

The plan

  • Fix the enclosure walls and make it safe for the monkeys to freely roam around inside the enclosure and not need to be chained
  • Create a door between the two small enclosures so it can become one enclosure with a lockable door when needed to isolate the primates in one section
  • The doors in the back of all enclosures that lead to shelter from the rain are broken, which means the monkeys do not get access to the shelters that they need. We will fix the doors and allow the monkeys to use the shelters. The shelters will also be used to isolate the monkeys if ever needed.
  • The enclosure floors are all broken and require fixing
  • Add a well with a water pump to allow the keepers to clean out the enclosures and provide water for the monkeys
  • We will add trees to the enclosures for more of a natural habitat
  • We will add tyres to each enclosure for the monkeys to use and play on
  • We will create food enrichment toys
The plan displayed with one group of enclosures
Two gibbons inside this tiny enclosure will be moved to the new enclosure
Two gibbons inside this tiny enclosure will be moved to the new enclosure
Two gibbons inside this tiny enclosure will be moved to the new enclosure
A long tailed macaque chained to the enclosure
a view of the two groups of four enclosures
a view of the two groups of four enclosures
deteriorated enclosures
drinking from the floor of the enclosure
A view of the enclosure with the shelter in the background that cannot be used



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